How can make web template in Photoshop.
1.Open photoshop & choose your web document(File-> New-> Preset-> Web-> OK).
2.Make your web page(graphics,logo,home page,about us,etc..).
3.Select SLICE TOOL & make 1st box.
4.Right click Message box-> Edit slice Option.
5.Write Name(home), URL(home.html), Target(home.html)-> OK.
6.Select slice tool & make 2nd box-> right click message box-> edit slice
option-> write Name(aboutus), URL(aboutus.html), Target(home.html)-> OK.
7.Save HTML and Images type(File-> Save for web & devices-> Write file
name(home),Save as type(HTML and Images) -> Save).
8.Write About Us in your page(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx......) .
9.Save HTML and Images type(File-> Save for web & devices-> Write file
name(aboutus),Save as type(HTML and Images) -> Save -> Replace).
10.Go to save file->right click->open with->notepad->write align = "center""0"
->save. ..................
1.Open photoshop & choose your web document(File-> New-> Preset-> Web-> OK).
2.Make your web page(graphics,logo,home page,about us,etc..).
3.Select SLICE TOOL & make 1st box.
4.Right click Message box-> Edit slice Option.
5.Write Name(home), URL(home.html), Target(home.html)-> OK.
6.Select slice tool & make 2nd box-> right click message box-> edit slice
option-> write Name(aboutus), URL(aboutus.html), Target(home.html)-> OK.
7.Save HTML and Images type(File-> Save for web & devices-> Write file
name(home),Save as type(HTML and Images) -> Save).
8.Write About Us in your page(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx......) .
9.Save HTML and Images type(File-> Save for web & devices-> Write file
name(aboutus),Save as type(HTML and Images) -> Save -> Replace).
10.Go to save file->right click->open with->notepad->write align = "center""0"
->save. ..................