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Wednesday, 10 July 2013

what is stroke layer style in photoshop

*what is stroke layer style in photoshop ?
//This style is used to outline the object on the current layer using color , gradient, pattern. it is mainly preferred on hard-edged shapes such as type.*What is Content-Aware tool ?
//The Content-Aware fill option is an amazing feature of photoshop .Using this tool , you can use quickly replace the content in a selection . This tool is very useful to get rid of an unwanted element & replace it with details that match the surrounding area.

What is satin layer style in photoshop

*What is satin layer style in photoshop ?
//This style typically creates a satiny finish & applies shades to the interior of a layer that reacts to the shape of the layer .

What is Bevel & Emboss layer style in photoshop

*What is Bevel & Emboss layer style in photoshop ?
//This style is used to add various combinations of highlights & shadows to a layer.

What is inner glow layer style in photoshop

*What is inner glow layer style in photoshop ?
//This style is used to add a glow that emanates from the inside .

1. Doubal click on your layer to open layer style.
2. Select inner glow, adjust blend mode, opacity,
elements, choke, size , quality & noise.

What is outer glow layer style in photoshop

*What is outer glow layer style in photoshop ?
//This style is used to add a glow that emanates from the outside.
1. Doubal click on your layer to open layer style.
2. Select outer glow, adjust blend mode, opacity,
spread, size , quality & noise.

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